Are Gnox deposits unrecoverable?
Gnox is marketing and advertising scam. There is not a single positive, genuinely independent report about them. Money spent by their team on faulty advertising is obscene, while they lack cash flow to reimburse dissatisfied customers requesting to get out.
Saving your money in Gnox wallet accounts is akin to infamous Argentine playpens (corralito), as withdrawals are strictly forbidden until further notice. No refunds are issued while your investment devalues against bitcoin.
Reliable information about Gnox is unavailable on Github. Business model shifts every few weeks, leaving investors with an array of unanswered queries. Their extreme risk status is hidden, while painting themselves as safe haven through the word bearproof.
Gnox customers have not yet received tokens purchased long ago, because the team stubbornly hoards such property on their platform. Team fails to deliver to rightful owners their legitimately purchased assets.
Gnox team anonymity is absolutely unacceptable. They posted no profiles on either github or linkedin. Where do they live? What expertise have they gained in prior projects? Who are they? Their intentions are unknown.
Investors fear deposits sent into gnox might be unrecoverable. Worldwide advertising flood in the last few months could have easily cost millions of dollars. Customer funds may have already been spent. No withdrawals are allowed.
Whitepaper clearly specifies that reflection rewards shall be distributed in gnox tokens; however, telegram community has been informed that such earnings will be distributed in stablecoins. Investors face ruin should significant exchange fluctuation occur.
Gnox constitutes a textbook example of interaction between extreme greed and extreme fear. Advertising emphasizes absolute moon scenarios, while independent research suggests doom is ahead. Future cryptocurrencies must avoid a rerun of shady developments.
Rubén Rivero
Caracas, Venezuela